Is It Like Flashing the World From the Dumpster?

June, another superstar, made a great website suggestion via email: I love how this website shows you all the items in a category at one time. Makes shopping so much easier and quicker. June had purchased the prettiest embroidered bag from this site a while ago at a great price. If any of you are looking for cute summer dresses, there are some on sale right now -- remember the Ella Moss dress sensation made by SJP a few seasons ago?
Here's another fashion conundrum that I hope you all can help me out with. Maybe not fashion related but more staples maintenance. I've been amassing a large quantity of underwear and bras where I think the oldest set was from early high school. Most are obviously beyond all hope of ever serving it's original purpose ever again and every piece has moved with me from SoCal to the Bay Area back to SoCal and to my apartment. I don't know why I even bothered and they're taking up precious storage space. I know I'm not alone in this experience. But I have no idea what do with them. What do you gals do with yours? They are certainly not donateable (I would actually be really embarrassed to if it was possible) And I've heard "just throw them away" -- but wouldn't that be like sharing your most personal intimate business with the unknown public? I'm getting imagery like some dumpster diver finding my granny panties (yes, I'm confirming I have some -- and admit it, we all have some) and holding them up while laughing his head off with his other dumpster diver friends. True, it's nothing personal as the underwear or bra has already left my trash bin and there are no identifier marks to say that it belongs to me but the fact that I had worn them before makes me grimace at the idea. Maybe I should hold a bra/undies burning extravaganza?
cut them up, throw them in a black plastic bag, and discard at a dumping bin at least 5 blocks away from you.
just throw them away in your own trash can ~ :)
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