Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The One That Got Away

For me: A Zac Posen jacket on eBay

For another: A cute pair of Prada boots

For yet another: A cool looking shirt from Banana Republic -- on sale

Almost every one who loves to shop has a story to tell about the one fashion article that they had sadly allowed to "get away." When one person decides to share their story of loss there are usually others who can chime in and commiserate. There are variations as to how they lost the battle, whether it was picking something up at a store then putting it back down only to have someone else snatch it away (though we all must admit that it's quite thrilling to be the one that does) or having someone talk you out of buying something and when you come to your senses and return to purchase it the item is no longer available. The true shopoholics would, of course, then go in search of finding the lost items usually by going to or calling other stores or looking online. Many of us with a shopping habit can talk about when we've gone above and beyond to find something that was out of our reach. One friend drove an hour and a half away in order to find something. I've called stores as far as Maine in order to find a specific dress. Others have gone back to stores almost daily in order to secure their finds. And those are joyous times when you finally find the item -- it becomes more precious than anything else in your closet to date and that makes you feel like the most resourceful, fashionable and even the luckiest person in the world (until, of course, the next shopping mishap.)

Yet even with those moments I still find myself thinking about that one item, the brown with cream piping Zac Posen jacket, I "left behind". It's not like I haven't bought any jackets since that I don't adore, yet time and time again that jacket pops back in my mind as if I'd only seen it yesterday. It's almost as if I yearn for the fashion possibilities that the jacket could have afforded me and I mourn for the lost opportunities I would have had to wear it. And I shake my head.

Perhaps some of you are remembering your own experiences as you read this and will have a similar story to share; know that I sympathize with you wholeheartedly. I write this entry as a token of my condolence and will take a shot of tequila to commemorate. I suggest you do the same.